Monday, October 18, 2010

Ujian Itu Tanda Kasih Tuhan...

Tuhan, andai sakit ini membawa aku kepadamu, aku relakan Ya Allah..

Tuhan, andai kesedihan ini yang menjadikan aku dekat denganMU, aku redha dengannya Ya Allah..

Tuhan, andai Engkau yang ingin aku begini, aku ingin sekali menyerah dengan sepenuh hati..

Tuhan, perbaiki hatiku..agar selalu berbaik sangka denganMu

Tuhan, ingin sekali aku menjadikan hatiku milikMu
yang sentiasa menerima segalanya dariMu dengan berlapang dada..

Kerana Engkau Tuhanku..

Monday, August 16, 2010

Ramadhanku sayang~

Hari ni hari ke-6 ramadhan...Salam Ramadhan ye pada sapa2 yg sudi dtg kat blog ni..

Hari ni saya nak menulis secara santai...Saya nak share satu berita yg saya tak boleh nak lupa sampai sekarang(wlupun bru beberapa hari je berlalu!!)...Sehari b4 ramadhan kali ni, saya dapat satu berita yg mengejutkan..ustazah tersayang saya da kembali ke rahmatullah..terkejut dan sangat terkesan..

betul la apa org selalu ckp..hargai la ramadhan yg kita lalui sbb xtentu kita akan jumpa lg ramadhan akan syg sekali,saya ni bukan jenis org yg konsisten..bila rasa insaf tu datang, rasa nak delete abes je semua lagu2 n citer2 mengarut dlm laptop bila rasa cam jahat cket, saya pun gi copy blk dr kwn2 citer yg jiwang2 tu...

Ya Allah, susahnya nak jd baik...!Bukan tak ada pengaruh yg baik, biah yg baik, tp still jgk pilih yg terang2 la nampak keburukannya...sebabnya, xcukup sekadar azam..tapi azam menuntut mujahadah..mujahadah tu tak payah cerita la peritnya~..syurga kan dipagari raujau dan dugaan,neraka plak dihiasi dgn seribu satu keindahan, keseronokan...

Rugi la aku yg mensia-siakan ramadhan...rugi lagi kalau sia2kan hidup yg pendek ni dgn segala benda best yg cuma bersifat sementara...cepat2 la sedar...ramadhan tinggal berapa hari ja lg..umur lg la xtau tinggal brpa lama..

Mohon kalau sapa2 yg baca blog ni,rajin2 la doa utk perubahan kita bersama..change for good,uh??

Sekadar meminjam kata2 seseorang yg ditokok tambah oleh diri sendiri;

The hardest battle is when we go against ourself,
to be different, to make a total change,
It put the blood and tears at stake
Like piercing our own flesh and emotions,
The only solution that I found,
Mujahadah and istiqamah..


Saturday, June 26, 2010

Untungkan Jadi Perempuan..

a Hadith stated that:
"A woman whose husband is pleased with her at the time of her death goes straight into paradise"

Walaupun wanita or perempuan ni mudah masuk kenapa ye ramai jugak perempuan yang terhumban ke neraka..I'm curious la..

Saya ada terdengar ceramah Ustaz Kazim membacakan hadith yg mafhumnya begini:
Ada 2 perkara yg membawa manusia ke neraka iaitu
1. mulut
2. faraj

Mulut kita banyak berbohong, mulut meninggikan suara dgn ibu bapa dan suami, mulut kita menyakiti hati orang lain, mulut kita menyebar fitnah tapi yg dapat top score dalam carta dosa perempuan adalah amalan suka bergosip, mencela dan buat ketupat..

Ada satu lagi hadith yg menceritakan sebab kenapa perempuan banyak di neraka..reason yg pertama adalah kerana mengkufurkan kebaikan suami..Ape la pulak bendanya ni..Apa yg dimaksudkan dgn mengkufurkan kebaikan suami adalah contohnya camni; bila si isteri ni marah..dia pun cakap camni.."selama saya hidup dgn abang ni, abang ni satu sen pun xguna, xpernah nak menyenangkan hati saya"....sedangkan baru sekali ni je suami dia xbelikan dia kasut baru..habis semua kebaikan suami dia selama ni lenyap dibawak angin...yg kedua pulak adalah selalu mencela ..apa makna mencela di sini adalahnya macam ni...aminah tunggu bas punya la bila bas datang, bas ni pulak xmau aminah ni dengan muka merah dan emosi yg tak stabil pun cakap camni.."Tak guna punya bas, makan gaji bute ke ha...!!"

Kesimpulannya kat sini, marilah kita mengkaji diri kita...aku ni di takuk mana??

Sebelum nak berhenti tulis post ni,saya nak share jugak satu pesan Imam Ghazali yang akan saya huraikan guna bahasa saya sendiri..Harap,bermanfaat..
Iman Ghazali kata kalau kita rasa nak mengumpat,org yang paling layak diumpat adalah mak kita sendiri...Apekehei nye pulak ye dok?? aku sayang mak aku setengah mati....Ini adalah disebabkan pahala kita akan dipindahkan kpd orang yang kita umpat..Oleh sebab mak la orang yg paling kita sayang..jadi, mengumpat mak sendiri bererti kita memindahkan pahala amalan kita kpd mak kita sendiri sebagai lambang kasih sayang yg x berbelah-bagi..

So,terpulang la kepada sapa2 yg nak bagi hadiah hari ibu dgn cara yg macam tu...


Sunday, May 30, 2010

Kitalah Insan yang Paling Bahagia Andai Kita Bersyukur..

Marilah kita merenung kembali segala nikmat yang telah lama kita miliki tapi jarang sekali kita syukuri..

dari laman : http://www.turntois showthread. php?t=69515

A man once approached a wise sage complaining of poverty. The sage asked him: “Would you sell me your eyesight for 100 thousand gold coins?” The man said no. The sage continued: “Would you sell me your hearing for 100 thousand gold coins?” The man again said no. The sage then asked the man about his hands, his feet, his sanity, and his other limbs. To each question the man replied that he would not sell. The sage then pointed out to the man that he had valued himself to the tune of a few million gold coins.

The sage then declared: “You have a great debt upon your shoulders. This great wealth you possess places demands on you. When are you going to show thanks? Instead, you complain that you want more. Your Lord is truly forgiving and generous.”

A person who is free from worry, secure in home and health, takes greater pleasure in food and drink and life in general. The simple everyday enjoyments are savored, like time spent with one’s spouse or children and in partaking of even the simplest meals. The happy atmosphere that comes from being relaxed, feeling safe, and having one’s health makes one’s enjoyments all the greater.

By contrast, if someone possesses a variety of food and drink and wealth in abundance, but lives in a constant state of fear, anxiety, and stress, what that person possesses will be of little real value. The same can be said for a person who is stricken with a serious physical or mental illness.

This is why the Prophet (peace be upon him) said:
“Whoever is secure in his home, has his health and enough provisions for a day, it is as if he has everything in the world.” [Sunan al-Tirmidhī (2346) and Sunan Ibn Mājah (4141)]

It is a great blessing to have enough food, clothing, and shelter to satisfy one’s needs. There is nothing wrong with desiring more than that, as long as one seeks it by lawful means, since Allah apportions His bounty among His creatures as He pleases. Some people are better off being wealthy. If Allah gives them wealth, they spend a portion of it on the poor and needy. Moreover, they feel humble before Allah in recognition of what He has given them.

We should never forget that Allah provides us with our health, our minds, our food and drink, our children, our good appearances, our strength, our vitality in youth and our good sense. Many of us take these blessings for granted and fail to recognize them as Allah’s gifts. Only those whose hearts are alive with faith recognize the blessings in everyday things. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:

“Allah is pleased with a servant who praises Him when he eats something and praises Him when he has something to drink.” [Sahīh Muslim (2734)]

We show our thanks to Allah for all of His blessings when we praise Him. Is it a small thing to have your health and strength? Is it a small thing to live assured of enough food and drink, a home to live in, clothes to wear, and the means to get around?

” Glorified be He who has subdued these unto us, and we were not capable (of subduing them); and surely to our Lord we must return.” [Sūrah al-Zukhruf: 13-14]

The water we drink, the air we breathe, the ears we hear with, the eyes that allow us to see, the minds we reason with, the hearts by which we feel –

these are all enjoyments that Allah provides for us,
whether we realize it or not.

We should make ourselves aware of this fact, thank Allah, and avoid ingratitude. When we show thanks for Allah’s blessings, they grow stronger in our lives. When we are ungrateful, those blessings abandon us. Allah tells us: “…proclaim the favor of your Lord.” [Sūrah al-Duhā: 11].

and say

One of the best things Allah can provide us with is a contented heart. We are also blessed immensely if we have stability in our lives, harmony in our homes, and peace in our hearts.

Sheikh Salman al-Oadah
____________ ______

And Allah -Subhanahu Ta’ala- knows best.
All Praise belongs to Allaah, may His peace and blessings be upon our final Prophet Muhammad, his
family, his companions and all those who follow his guidance.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Monday, May 24, 2010

By the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful and the Most Grateful..

Saya ingin mengasah skill menulis..disamping berkongsi serba-sedikit dengan yang lain..Saya bersetuju dengan satu quotation yang bunyinya lebih kurang macam ni.." Writing is like thinking on paper "..Tapi sekarang sepatutnya quotation tu kena berubah sedikit macam ni.." Typing is like thinking on PC "..Memang la zaman dah berubah..